Police Chief Cole Langdon addresses community regarding Lynndale Park shootings

In response to the Lynndale Park shooting that killed one and hospitalized two on Sept. 4, Lynnwood Police Chief Cole Langdon issued a brief video statement acknowledging public safety concerns in Lynnwood.

Referencing a previous drive-by shooting July 22 that ended the lives of two teens. Langdon stressed that the two instances are unrelated and reminded people that the department is still working to protect the city. 

“It is clear that the choices of those involved in this incident put our community at risk and the actions of a few have created fear within the community,” he said. “I want you to know that we will not allow our public recreation areas to be used for dangerous criminal activity and we will not accept the violence befalling our communities throughout the region as a new normal.”

Regarding the Sept. 4 shooting, Langdon stated that detectives are working diligently and using all available partnerships and resources to ensure there’s accountability for those involved.

  1. Thank you for keeping the community safe. With all of the cameras on the street lights I believe finding these vigilantes will be much easier. Thank you for keeping me safe when I sleep at night.

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