Police hosting public meetings to discuss rash of burglaries

Lynnwood police are hosting a pair of public meetings to talk about the recent increase in home burglaries.

As we reported last week, at least 18 homes have been hit in 2012, mostly during the daytime. Even City Council President Loren Simmonds’ home was targeted.

“Residential burglaries in our community are proliferating almost at an epidemic rate,” he said.

Simmonds believes many of the burglaries are being committed by people from outside the local community.

The meetings will be held Monday, March 12 and Tuesday, March 27 at the municipal court (second floor of the police department — 19321 – 44th Ave. W.) Both meetings start at 7 p.m.

Detectives will discuss burglary trends in various neighborhoods, the investigative process, tips on burglary prevention, and the department’s free block watch and vacation house check programs.

For more information contact Crime Prevention Specialist Shannon Sessions at ssessions@ci.lynnwood.wa.us or 425-670-5635.

  1. The number of home burglaries traditionally spike in the summer months. Light timers and Fake TV are excellent solutions to deter burglars. Also, playing anti-theft home occupancy sounds MP3 or a CD (sells on Amazon) in home while away is a great way to trick burglar that someone is in.

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