A group opposed to red light traffic cameras is planning a protest tomorrow in Lynnwood and other local cities.
The group known as BanCams plans to hold signs at the corner of 196th Street SW & 44th Avenue West at 1 p.m. Saturday. Similar protests are planned in Fife, Lacey, Renton and Bremerton.
As them name implies, BanCams’ mission is a statewide ban of red light cameras. According to its website:
We are a group of Washington State citizens that think law enforcement should be about protecting people and property, not making money. Traffic cameras are all about money, not safety. Study after study shows that the cameras actually increase collisions. The politicians won’t get rid of them voluntarily, so that’s why we are here.
Lynnwood has 10 red light cameras in all and started using them in July 2007. There also are a couple of school zone speed enforcement cameras.
I have NO problem with these cameras. If you drive defensively and don't run red, lights, this should not be an issue for you. If you look at the studies that say collisions increase… that may be true… but I'd much rather be in a rear-end collision than to be t-boned by someone running the red. The injury rate and severity of injuries at these intersections has surely decreased.
I wish the city could charge more for the red-light runners. Don't break the law unless you want to pay the price!
Blueeyedfish – I might agree with your statement above if and, only if, you can convince me beyond reasonable doubt that the intent of the City of Lynnwood is, in fact to reduce collisions and not to generate a profit.
I'd like to see the evidence of where that money is being spent. Is it being spent to educate drivers or improve roads? Is it being spent to add lights to crosswalks? Nothing tells me that this is happening…