From the Publisher’s Desk: We ♥ our sponsors

Teresa Wippel

Let’s talk about love, shall we? It’s almost Valentine’s Day, after all, and there’s no better time to show some love to those who make online community news possible in Lynnwood.

I’ve been giving love recently to our subscribers — those who contribute financially on a regular or one-time basis to support our work. (Learn more here.) While those donations are critical to our survival, it’s important to mention that the bulk of our support comes from our valued advertisers, who have chosen to market their products or services through Lynnwood Today.

To those sponsors, I offer my heartfelt thanks. For trusting us with your hard-earned advertising dollars. For recognizing that we have an engaged and growing readership, not only here but on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. For believing in the work we do, seven days a week, to tell our community’s stories accurately, fairly, compassionately.

Some of our sponsors have been with us since shortly after we began publishing six years ago. Many are well-known names in the community and we are proud to count them as supporters. You can see all of our current sponsors here, in our newly created sponsor directory.

So readers, if you appreciate Lynnwood Today, can you please show our advertisers some love in return? Support them like they’ve supported us. Our ability to serve our community depends on it.

With gratitude (and love),

Teresa Wippel, Publisher

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