Publisher’s reminder: You’re invited to my TED talk this Saturday

Dear readers:

I hope you’ll join me Saturday, Aug. 29, for my TED talk through the 2020 TEDXSnoIsleLibraries program. My topic: the key role that readers will play in the survival of journalism.

While the talks from a total of 15 presenters were supposed to be delivered live with an audience at the Edmonds Center for the Arts, they have been pre-recorded due to COVID-19. I hope you’ll watch online via Zoom, Facebook Live or YouTube starting at 10 a.m., followed by a live Q&A and discussion with a TEDX moderator.

You can register for the presentation and the live follow-up discussion here.

And thanks to each of you for inspiring me to give this talk. I value your contributions as constructive critics, watchdogs, cheerleaders and contributors of photos, articles, opinion pieces — and let’s not forget the comments.

— Teresa Wippel, Publisher

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