If you’re looking for Easter Egg hunts in Lynnwood, here are two events that are sure to please the little ones — and both are happening on Saturday, April 19.
At 10:30 a.m., LifePoint Church is hosting an Eggapalooza for the Lynnwood community and surrounding neighborhoods. There will be egg hunts for ages 1-12, prizes, inflatable games, balloon animals and more. LifePoint Church is located at 3223 164th St. SW. in Lynnwood. For questions email Campus Pastor Dale Braswell at: dale.braswell@lifepointchurch.org or see www.lifepointchurch.org/lynnwood
At 2 p.m. sharp, Lynnwood Free Methodist Church is having an Easter Egg Hunt for ages 1-11. More than 3,500 candy-filled eggs will be available. There also will be lots of prizes and grand prize drawings. For more information call 425-775-3696 or www.lynnwoodfmc.com.
Lynnwood Free Methodist Church’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday March 26th at 2pm. Easter Carnival starts at 1pm. Activities end at 3pm. There will be no Easter Activities tomorrow, March 19th.
We walked to the lifepoint church address in this article and found nothing there. No egg hunt, no people gathered, even the church had changed its name.
Unfortunately the story you read was from 2014. We did post an updated list for this year.