The Snohomish County chapter of the Red Cross is helping the victims of yesterday’s fire that destroyed the Lynnview Apartments. More than 30 families were left homeless by the fire that quickly spread through the building.
The Red Cross is working with apartment managers to find apartments for residents who lost theirs. Until then, they’ll keep the shelter open at Trinity Lutheran Church on 196th Street SW. They’re also providing food, medicine, and money for clothing and other necessities.
Financial donations will be used for immediate and long-term needs for the families. They can be sent directly to the Snohomish County Red Cross (2530 Lombard Avenue in Everett) or you can donate online.
They ask that donations of blankets and household items be held off for a couple of days until the families are in their new units.
“Our thanks goes out to the generous people of our community. It is because of their gifts we can continue to help others when a crisis hits,” Red Cross spokesperson Mar Tobiason said.
Thanks to Lynnwood Fire Dept . and other companies involved in keeping to this one structure