Regional leaders honor U.S. Rep. Larsen, take action on road safety 

Photo courtesy Puget Sound Regional Council

Elected leaders from around the region met in Seattle Thursday to honor U.S. Rep. Representative Rick Larsen, address transportation safety issues and conduct the annual business of the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC).

Larsen, who represents Washington’s 2nd Congressional District, was presented with PSRC’s President’s Award for outstanding leadership in securing federal transportation investments. Larsen has been instrumental in the region’s success in receiving funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including multiple Safe Streets and Roads For All grants, the regional council said in a news release. PSRC said it is using these federal resources to create a Regional Safety Action Plan and local safety plans for nearly 20 cities and counties toward the long-term goal of zero deaths or serious injuries from traffic incidents.

PSRC is working with its leadership, members, transportation safety experts and the public to develop the Regional Safety Action Plan by the end of 2024, the news release said. Outreach events for this work will start taking place this summer across the region.

At the meeting, PSRC leaders also reelected Poulsbo Mayor Becky Erickson and Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers for another term as President and Vice-President and adopted the 2024-2025 Biennial Budget and Work Program.

PSRC’s General Assembly includes elected representatives from King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties, and more than 100 cities and towns, state agencies, transit agencies, ports, and Tribal governments. View the organization’s annual accomplishments list here.

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