Reminder: Ananda Community Open House/Solstice Celebration is Saturday, June 22

Garden-June-09-0541The Ananda Community is hosting an Open House & Solstice Celebration from 3-7 p.m. Saturday, June 22 at the Ananda Community located at 20715 Larch Way in Lynnwood.

In this intentional, spiritual community, some Ananda members live and support one another in a lifestyle of meditation, service, simple living and high ideals. Residents have started a CSA: community supported food growing coop. Ananda is known throughout the world for its network of independent, intentional communities which are among the most successful in the world today.

The first Ananda Community was founded in 1968 in northern California. There are now 10 such communities worldwide, including Ananda Community in Lynnwood which began in 1992. Local representatives from Bright Morningstar, Duwamish Cohousing, Maxwelton Creek Cohousing, and Songaia Cohousing are presenters in the Solstice Celebration program.

Here is the schedule of activities, all of which are free:

3 to 4:30 p.m. Tours of grounds, gardens, homes

3 to 5 p.m. Music, art gallery, refreshments, products for sale and display, activities for children and healing demonstration treatments such as chair massage and sound healing. Booths representing communities, East West Bookshop, Living Wisdom School, Living Wisely Thrift & Gift, Ananda Meditation & Yoga, and local businesses.

5 p.m. Solstice Celebration with local intentional community guest speakers Jonathan Betz-All, Frances Parks, Heidi Morford, Phil Notermann and Patricia Newkirk.

6 p.m. Vegetarian dinner – free.

For more information call 425-806-3700.

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