Representative sought for Snohomish County Boundary Review Board

Members of the Snohomish County Boundary Review Board meet in November 2024.

Applicants are sought for an upcoming vacancy on Snohomish County’s Boundary Review Board.

According to a county news release, the board is a quasi-judicial body that provides an impartial, inter-governmental decision process for citizens, municipalities and special purpose districts (fire districts, water districts, etc.) on proposed annexations, incorporations, and mergers of jurisdictional boundaries. The board consists of five citizens who are appointed by the governor (two positions), the county executive (one position), the mayors of Snohomish County (one position), and the Boundary Review Board from nominees of local special purpose districts (one position).

The ideal candidate is knowledgeable in the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A), the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30), and the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. Potential board members should be able to evaluate technical planning and environmental documents, economic reports and testimony from the public. Additionally, a candidate must be able to apply state statutes to decision making and should have experience on a jurisdiction’s planning commission, the news release said.

The boundary review board benefits from members with diverse backgrounds and can share professional and residential experiences in Snohomish County. An applicant cannot be a Snohomish County official, employee, advisor, or consultant. Applicants:

– Must be a Snohomish County resident.

– Should bring a commitment to making Snohomish County a great place to live, work and play.

– Should be able to attend scheduled board meetings and hearings (six regular meetings are scheduled per year, although that may vary).

This position will be appointed by the governor’s office. The application is available here.

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