Rick Steves launches new Guides’ Marketplace Directory for homebound travelers  

Rick Steves with his tour guides. (Photo courtesy Rick Steves)

As a free service to his 150 European guides and the 24,000 Americans who had hoped to travel with him in 2020, Edmonds-based European travel authority Rick Steves has created a Guides’ Marketplace directory. The goal: For homebound travelers to connect with these guides and enjoy a little vicarious travel during this crisis.  

Steves launched his Guides’ Marketplace Directory to connect his tour guides with travelers who are looking for creative ways to virtually experience Europe. Until international travel resumes, Americans won’t be able to explore Europe and Steves’ guides will have no income from leading tours. The Marketplace Directory offers travelers a fun way to support the guides and showcase their many talents and additional services, including virtual tours, language classes, art, and other experiences that enable homebound Americans to celebrate the best of Europe virtually.   

“Our guides are wonderful teachers, bursting with energy and travel information to share,” says Steves. “Many of our Tour Members have been on five plus tours with our guides and want to support them through the crisis.” Steves adds “Until we can travel again, the Marketplace Directory is a great way to support their work.”  

For more than 30 years, Steves’ tour company, Rick Steves’ Europe, has been taking American travelers to Europe. As Steves’ tour business has grown, so has its pool of experts. Today, he has a 100-person staff in his Edmonds office and seasonally hires more than 150 tours guides to take 30,000 American travelers to Europe each year.  

Visit Rick Steves Guides’ Marketplace to learn more.  

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