World's largest selection of root beer coming to Lynnwood

If you love root beer, the perfect store for you is about to open.

The aptly-named Root Beer Store has plans to open on Highway 99 and 200th on Nov. 3.

The company opened its first location in Redmond this past November with just 30 brands of bottled root beer and has seen rapid growth ever since. It now offers more than three times the original selection. They claim to have the largest selection of bottled root beer in the world.

“Lynnwood will be unique because we will be adding ice cream to the mix,” founder Corey Anderson told us. “The concept is to have a frosty mug of ice cream handed to you — filled with ice cream — and then you pick and pour your own root beer from the store full of choices.”

More than 100 brands from all around the country will be available on opening day, but the ice cream won’t be available until January. They will also offer other kinds of soda.

Anderson said a lot of people ask why there are so many kinds of root beer. The answer is simple — it’s not made from a single root, but a mixture of several roots, and many different ways to mix multiple roots.

“There are many great stories, fun labels, and a great culture surrounding the beverage, and we are geared towards bringing that excitement back into the heart of America,” he added.

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