Adjustments being made to new Lynnwood bus route

Courtesy of Community Transit

Changes are coming to one of the new bus routes in Lynnwood.

Community Transit created route 196 when it made its service change in February. It offers all-day half-hour service between the Alderwood Mall area and Edmonds waterfront. It averages about 500 riders a day.

Since its implementation, the agency says route 196 has been experiencing late trips in the afternoon and a lack of stops around Lynnwood Transit Center.

Starting Monday, April 9, all route 196 trips that start after 2:40 p.m. will begin five minutes later. Community Transit says this adjustment, combined with a change to the way drivers’ work is configured, will help the buses stay on schedule.

In the meantime, planners will continue to work with city officials on the bus stop issue.

  1. So they are finally considering the bus stop issue. About time. It’s ridiculous having a bus that services 196th St only (which was much needed) that never even stops in the busiest district of the city (the Fred Meyers blocks). Bad planning.

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