Reminder: Olympic Fly Fishers to offer Beginning Fly-Tying Class starting Jan. 23

John Wendt

The Olympic Fly Fishers is sponsoring a six-session Beginning Fly-Tying Class that will provide detailed instructions on the fundamentals and some advanced techniques of fly tying. Whether you are a beginner, someone who wants to enhance her/his techniques or someone who just enjoys fly-tying camaraderie, this class is for you.

The class instructor is John Wendt  who has taught tying for seven years. He will be assisted by club members, who will be able to give one-on-one assistance to the students..

After the class, participants will go home with 10 or more flies, complete fly-tying recipes and references for all flies tied — plus some new friends and a lifetime hobby.

All materials will be supplied and there also be fly-tying tools available for those who do not have them.

The class will run Mondays from 6-8 p.m. beginning Jan 23 in the Shoreline Senior Center craft room. The cost is $40.00.

To register, call 206-365-1536 or go to, open the events page and scroll to Beginners Fly Tying Class. There, you can register and learn more details about the class and the Olympic Fly Fishers.

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