Scene in Lynnwood: Swapping seeds at the library

This young gardener made a beeline for his favorite vegetable, broccoli.
The entrance of the library’s event room was filled with educational materials about botany and growing plants in the area.
Seeds were organized by type of plant, such as legumes, herbs, flowers and root vegetables.
One volunteer speaks to a parent about raising tomatoes.
Organizer Marni Swart from Growing Roots Together hosted an informational presentation about gardening and seed saving, followed by a Q&A session.

Gardeners united at the Lynnwood Library earlier this week to share the fruit — no, seeds  –of their labors. Participants brought seeds from home and grabbed seeds provided to take home. Organizer Marni Swart said she’d been thinking about starting a seed swap event for years but only recently managed to bring everyone together with help from the library.

–Photos by Jasmine Contreras-Lewis

  1. Thanks for coming and for reporting on the event! Special thanks to Val Taylor, the Alderwood Garden Club, and all the volunteers who helped make this such a fun event.

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