School board Nov. 23 set to adopt strategic plan, discuss housing development for homeless families

The Edmonds School District Board of Directors Nov. 23 is scheduled to adopt the district’s 2021-26 strategic plan and discuss plans for a development that will house homeless students and their families.

According to district staff, the strategic plan will serve as a guide for achieving equity, engagement and excellence for all students. It outlines specific goals with a focus on students and committing to collaborations with staff, families and the larger community. The board previously discussed the plan at its Nov. 9 business meeting.

In other business, the board is scheduled to hold a public hearing regarding a contract agreement with Housing Hope to lease a portion of the Cedar Valley Community School baseball field to provide affordable housing for homeless students and families, with priority going to school district families. The district must surplus the property in order to enter into the lease. The site is approximately 2.2 acres. and the lease agreement would be for 75 years. The board will vote on the contact in December.

The board will also select a pro/con committee for the upcoming Educational Programs and Operations (EPO) Levy. For a measure to appear on a ballot, the district must select people to serve on pro and con committees. The board may appoint up to 3 individuals for each committee. The measure will appear on the February 2022 ballot.

The board will also receive several briefings, including Superintendent Gustavo Balderas’ regular district update. Additionally, the board will view a presentation from Lynnwood Elementary School on essays written by students who were asked to write about a topic that they are passionate about. The board will also receive a briefing regarding Lynnwood Elementary’s school improvement plan.

The meeting will be streamed online using BoardDocs, a new software that will be used to post school board agendas, minutes and videos and can be accessed here. Agendas are published the Friday before the following week’s meeting.

Those who would like to speak during the virtual meeting may register here until 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The board will continue to accept written comments, but will not read them aloud. Written comments received will be published with the approved minutes.

To see the full agenda for the meeting, click here.

At the direction of Snohomish Health District, the district will continue to hold virtual meetings until further notice.

  1. The little post card sent to my address did not have enough information on it and therefore I was not able to submit my comments for this meeting!

    I do not support the lease of surplus property at Cedar Valley Ballfield to Housing Hope to build housing for the homeless. I believe this is over stepping the school mission to the community. The school is around to provide education ONLY. It is not the school or my tax $$ responsibility to provide housing to the homeless. Edmonds School District is not a

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