School board votes to put capital construction bond, replacement levy on ballot

The Edmonds School District Board of Directors Tuesday night unanimously approved a $600 million capital construction bond and a $96 million replacement technology/capital levy. Voters will decide on the measures in an election to be held Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020.

“We are excited to move forward with the bond and levy measures,” said School Board President Diana White. “The bond not only gives us the opportunity to build safer schools, it also allows us to design facilities to better support learning for all students and staff.”

According to the district, the proposed bond would maintain a level tax rate. Bond issues are structured on a cycle that allows for older bonds to be paid off just as new bonds are issued. The tax rate is dependent on the assessed valuation of the district. That means, as the assessed valuation increased because of growth, the tax rate per $1,000 of assessed property decreases, which allows the district to consider future bond measures while maintaining the existing tax rate.

As reported in our earlier story, the $600 million bond will allow the district to complete improvements to Spruce Elementary School, replace College Place Middle School, replace Oak Heights and Beverly elementary schools, build an additional new elementary school, build an additional new middle school, and construct a new Innovative Learning Center (ILC). The ILC will host Scriber Lake High School and other learning programs.

The $96 million levy will fund technology for student learning and provide capital facilities improvements. The majority of the funds to be collected over four years will be used to support technology for student learning. This means one-to-one computers in grade 2-12 and two students to one computer in grades K-1, along with online curriculum, other software systems and instructional systems. The levy will also support classroom technology, teacher training and support. A portion of the levy, approximately 37 percent, will go toward capital facility improvements that include safety, security and emergency preparedness improvements at every school along with other system upgrades and replacements.

“This community is committed to our children and we see that each and every day,” said Superintendent Dr. Kristine McDuffy. “The replacement levy is vital to keeping our students safe and also providing equitable experiences when it comes to the use of technology, including providing internet access for students at home who can’t afford this important educational tool.”