Edmonds School District puts levy on the ballot

Voters in the Edmonds School District will be asked to approve a new school funding measure. Last night the School Board voted to put a supplemental levy on the Aug. 17 ballot.

Superintendent Nick Brossoit said they’ve lost $22 million over the past six years, mostly due to a lack of state funding.

“We have reduced so much and state funding is so precarious. We are working together and focused on student learning; however, resources are simply the most significant issue we are facing,” Brossoit said in an e-mail.

If approved, the measure would cost the owner of a $350,000 home about $107 more per year. It would raise $7 million for the District’s General Fund each year.

“We will do our best to serve students in our schools with or without these funds; still, it goes without saying that having the resources will allow us to better address student learning needs in these fiscal times,” Brossoit added.

An informational community meeting about the supplemental levy is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 26 in the Edmonds-Woodway High Library.

In February voters renewed the District’s expiring School Programs and Operation levy.

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