A Seattle-based apartment developer is looking to build an eight-story multi-family, mixed-use development on 40th Avenue West, adding to the growing number of projects intended for Lynnwood’s City Center district.
Last September, Trent Development submitted a proposal to construct a new multifamily mixed-use project on a 2.5-acre site located at 19820 40th Ave. W.
Plans for the site propose two eight-story buildings — seven stories of residential above one story of retail — framing an interior courtyard, with more than 350 apartments, parking for 265 vehicles and 9,022 square feet of commercial space, including a child care center.
The development would be located in Lynnwood’s Opportunity Zone, which is a federal designation that allows investors to receive tax breaks in return for revitalizing low-income areas.
There are seven Opportunity Zones in Snohomish County. In the past eight months, Trent Development has announced three other Opportunity Zone projects. The company is also considering a project in Everett.
“The project has applied for use of the (multi-family tax exemptions) or multiple unit tax exemption for construction of a new multifamily within our City Center,” said City Center Program Manager Kari Almgren. “The project will be assessed by impact fees for transportation and park improvements”
As Lynnwood housing costs continue to rise, the need for more affordable housing has been an ongoing discussion between city leaders looking for a solution. With the multi-family tax exemptions, developers are required to list some of the apartments at reduced costs for low-income renters.
The project would also be part of City Center — Lynnwood’s designated regional growth center — which the city aims to transform into a downtown hub anchored by Sound Transit’s Lynnwood Link light rail expansion.
Other City Center developments include Kinect@Lynnwood and Northline Village.
A date for review of the proposal by the Lynnwood City Council has not yet been set.
–By Cody Sexton
How about designing an actual “downtown” area? I don’t want this type of apartment housing in our city! It is UGLY!!!!! Would you live there? I wouldn’t. People want homes with yards and some privacy… you know…. the kind of home you live in!!!!!
Leave downtown in downtown. Don’t want anymore large development in Lynnwood.
Let’s not. Turning into projects. You should see the one you can see from the evergreen hospital in Kirkland. I’ve . ugly sad complex across from the freeway. Below the hospital 3 new huge places. Being build. I can’t afford to live in any of them. Shame.
It’s soulless
Any new development is an improvement to tired old Lynnwood!
I think it will fit in with the concept of Lynnwood being a designated urban center, along with other developments.
A there goes Strickers Cafe
Not enough parking space for 350 apartment AND retail space!! There needs to 1.5 parking spots per apartment to even get close to enough parking!!
The City of Lynnwood has several multi-family units currently being built, (and others recently finished) we need our city services to grow before we start adding to the population. The current police & fire departments are already being stretched. We need to fund and grow those departments before we add to the demand both of those city services will see with in increase to resident population.
Can the traffic on 196th and other surrounding areas get addressed before the increase traffic a new 350 apartment unit gets built?
Can the freeway overpass that was promised a few years ago at least get started before more people move to Lynnwood? The overpass that would extend 35th Ave W over the freeway connecting to popular way??? The one we voted to pay more in sales tax for??
I know the growth of Lynnwood is going to happen, regardless if we want it or not. (Our proximity to the City if Seattle makes it an eventual happening) But before more growth happens can we fix a few issues the city has first?
I applaud the effort to provide more affordable housing in Lynnwood, but it sound like it won’t have nearly enough parking. With 350 units and retail stores throughout the first floor, it seems like it should have at least one space per unit plus room for shoppers.
Bravo! Lynwood needs a proper downtown look, not just strip mall sprawl from the 70s. Lynnwood currently lacks an attractive, planned out “center”of town. We also need affordable housing for all and adequate parking/access to transport. This type of project could fit the bill.