Decorative red lanterns adorn downtown Edmonds in anticipation of the second annual Lunar New Year Edmonds celebration, which will welcome the Year of the Rabbit with family-friendly festivities on Saturday, Jan. 21.
This year’s festivities will include a traditional lion dance and kung fu demonstration by Master David Leong’s Northwest Kung Fu and Fitness. Lunar New Year Edmonds is also excited to welcome Seattle’s own international superstar breakdance crew, Massive Monkees. The performances begin at 11am in Centennial Plaza, at 5th Avenue North and Bell Street, Edmonds.
Lunar New Year Edmonds will once again coincide with the opening day of the Edmonds Winter Market (121 5th Ave. N., Edmonds). Over 80 vendors, including expanded food options for Lunar New Year, will be on hand.
The Edmonds Theater will join in the fun on Thursday, Jan. 19 with a screening of the Bruce Lee classic, Enter the Dragon. Doors open at 6pm, film begins at 7 p.m. Admission is free. Lunar New Year-themed art by students from Madrona K-8 in Edmonds will be on display at local businesses.
Several local bars and restaurants, including Kelnero, Bar Dojo, Salt & Iron and Fire & the Feast, will offer Lunar New Year-themed food and drink specials.
Lunar New Year Edmonds grew out of a discussion among members of the Edmonds Diversity Commission about the importance of representation in city-recognized holiday celebrations. Following the overwhelming success of that Lunar New Year event, the event organizers formed a new nonprofit, Multicultural Association of Edmonds (MAE). The group seeks to empower the city’s diverse cultural communities to share their traditions and celebrations.
“We are so excited for our second Lunar New Year Edmonds celebration,” said MAE Board President Karin Butler. “Building on the awesome attendance of last year and the support for our Harvest Moon Gala — we can’t wait to come together again in celebration of community and culture.”
More information can be found at www.lunarnewyearedmonds.com and www.maedmonds.org.
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