Sen. Paull Shin proposes temporary sales tax hike

Sen. Paull Shin

Sen. Paull Shin, who represents the legislative district that includes Lynnwood, has proposed to boost sales tax by one percent.

The state is facing a $5 billion budget shortfall and Shin says the tax hike would raise more than $2 billion for the 2011 – 2013 biennium. The increase would expire at the end of the biennium, but could end sooner if the unemployment rates drop.

“It is essential that we consider all of our options, as we try to solve a budget crisis that will undoubtedly have far-reaching and potentially life-altering impacts on thousands of Washingtonians,” Shin said.  “I want to be clear that I am not an advocate for the sales tax, but we are in an emergency and this is the only tool we have that can raise the serious money needed to protect education and social services.”

If the unemployment rate decreases to 6.5 percent for four consecutive months, the sales tax would be reduced by 0.5 percent. If it drops to 5 percent for four consecutive months, the new tax would be eliminated.

“We often discuss how regressive a sales tax is, but those that would be most affected by this increase are likely to receive more in public services saved by the $2 billion we raise through this temporary increase,” Shin added.

Senate Bill 5937 had its first reading before the Ways and Means Committee on Thursday.

  1. I am so glad I didn’t vote for Paull. And don’t forget Marko Liias who has proposed car tab fees and an increase in drivers license renewals.

  2. Oh this will go over big, NOT! Can’t wait until you run for re-election Mr. Shin. It was your campaign workers that knocked on my door when I clearly have it posted “No Soliciting” and wouldn’t leave when I said “Can’t you guys read?” I had to slam the door in their faces.

  3. We need a slight temporary tax increase to maintain the excellent quality of life we have in this state. For the amount of services government offers to our citizens we have some of the lowest taxes in the country.

  4. Actually the idea of a temporary sales tax would be a good idea to deal with the budget shortfall except for one itty-bitty problem…. There’s no such thing as a temporary tax!

    Unfortunately the legislature has squandered it’s credibility in this regard by proposing to extend the stadium taxes that were due to expire.

  5. ” and this is the only tool we have that can raise the serious money needed to protect education and social services.”

    You’re aware you’ve got record revenues coming in, right? And that you’ve been spending billions *more* than rec’d in the last budgets? That this budget spends more than the last? That Gregoire has thrown millions at ed and ‘social services’ with no *improvement* in our ed stats, and massively increasing rolls in social services because so many are approaching the equivalent of a tourist attraction for indigents? Where’s the oversight there? Why would I keep giving you more of my desperately needed dollars to help you out?

    We’ve consistently voted down higher taxes because we expect you to do the job. Do it. Cut more if you can’t afford to ‘protect’ ed. Because thus far you’ve done a great job of protecting WEA but you certainly haven’t improved the quality of that highly politicized ‘education’ our kids are receiving and last time I looked the ed budgets had increased. The UW got a 37% increase & they didn’t waste anytime writing a few of their own op-eds to drum up support for more.

    I’m not interested in maintaining Olympia’s spending habits. Or supporting the 10,000 union workers/special interests that helped get them elected to spend it, and recently showed up to twist arms because not getting ‘more’ just isn’t ‘fair’ so take from ‘them’ not ‘us’. I am ‘them’. I’m one of many hanging on by my fingernails trying to pay my mortgage and feed my family.

    I pay my taxes, I support prevailing wage transpo/construction projects and education with them. My son is a math whiz, and for three solid years his teachers have told me that ‘next year’ he needs to be challenged w/an advanced program, but next year never arrives. He does, however, get plenty of info about Pilgrim invaders and green memes. Just not so much on STEM subs. But hey, at least there won’t be a test later.

    I pay my sales tax & gas fees and I’ll pay the new 200+ fees they’ve added to the budget and the inflated food/energy costs AND I do it all on a non-prevailing wage income, which btw has been reduced b/c my employer is dealing with a crappy economy, compliance fees for every job, Obamacare, B&O, and a garbage Workers Comp system.

    And along comes ‘Can’t we take just a little bit more?’ Shin. “If the unemployment rate decreases to 6.5 percent for four consecutive months, the sales tax would be reduced by 0.5 percent. If it drops to 5 percent for four consecutive months, the new tax would be eliminated.” We haven’t had unemployment that low since the Bush tax rates were able to operate w/out being impacted by the crash on one end and the housing crash on the other. Do the math. Take the steps to drive employment up. Start with taking care of Workers Comp. Don’t come to me to take more.

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