While the memory of Tax Day is still fresh, now may be the time to get a handle on those personal-finance decisions, Sno Isle Libraries suggests.
For those looking for a few tips, the library system has seven financial advice titles available as eBooks for immediate download through May 15. The eBooks are:
- Real Money Answers for Every Woman by Patrice C. Washington
- The New Totally Awesome Money Book for Kids by Arthur Bochner and Rose Bochner
- The Wall Street Journal Guide to the New Rules of Personal Finance by Dave Kansas
- The Aspirational Investor by Ashvin B. Chhabra
- The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money by Ron Lieber
- The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
- The Truth About Money by Ric Edelman
“This is the first time we’ve offered a group of eBooks around a general theme with no-wait, no-hold access,” said Michael Hawkins, electronic resources librarian for the library district. No-wait, no-hold means that downloads occur immediately and there is no limit to the number of people who can download the eBooks.
The seven eBooks are available at www.sno-isle.org/moneysmart along with a number of related titles. Once downloaded, eBooks can stay on a device for up to three weeks. A Sno-Isle Libraries card, which is needed to download eBooks, is available at www.sno-isle.org/getacard.
“We want to provide access to materials no matter where you are,” Sno-Isle Libraries Executive Director Jonalyn Woolf-Ivory said. “The use of eBooks continues to climb year after year.
The circulation of eBooks in the first quarter of 2016 is up 35 percent of the same period in 2015, according to library district data.
A wide variety of devices and platforms are compatible with eBooks from Sno-Isle Libraries, including: Android, Chromebooks, many eReader brands, iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod), Kindle eReaders, Kindle Fire, Kobo tablets, many MP3 players, NOOK tablets, Windows phones, Windows and Apple OS.
This eBook collection is tied to Money Smart Week, an educational effort by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and supported by Sno-Isle Libraries, publisher HarperCollins, eBook distributor OverDrive and the American Library Association.
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