Snohomish County Historic Preservation Commission grant open for applications 

The historic Gehl home in Marysville. (Photo courtesy Snohomish County)

The 2025 Snohomish County Historic Preservation Commission Grant Program is open for applications. Snohomish County-based nonprofit cultural organizations and government entities and agencies that provide heritage services to the public are eligible to apply. The 2025 grant program will provide a total of $75,000 in financial aid through individual grants of up to $15,000 each. 

Applications can be submitted for any of four categories: Public Programming, Capital Improvements & Equipment, Collections Management, and Professional Development. All proposed projects must have a clear heritage focus that relates to an aspect of Snohomish County history. All applications must be complete and submitted for review by 5 p.m. Jan. 21, 2025.  

In 2024, the Marysville Historical Society received a grant from the Snohomish County Historic Commission for more than $13,000 to restore the historic Gehl Home roof. The Gehl Home is a pioneer cabin that educates the public about early settlement in Snohomish County. The Gehl Home roof was severely deteriorated and needed to be replaced to keep the cabin open to the public, including school groups and historic tours.  

“These pioneer cabins are important because there are so few existing in publicly accessible areas,” said Gretchen Kaehler, Snohomish County archaeologist and cultural resources coordinator. “Without these grants administered by the Snohomish County Historic Commission, some of the smaller, but locally significant projects could not be completed.”   

Past grants have been used to renovate historical buildings (such as the Floyd Norgaard Center in Stanwood), create museum exhibits, digitize historical records and develop educational tools. See more past grant winners here. The program is funded with a portion of recording fees collected by the Snohomish County Auditor for the purposes of historical preservation and programs as authorized by RCW 36.22. This program was started in 2009 to fund and promote historic preservation projects across Snohomish County to educate residents and enhance access to history. 

For more information or to apply, visit the website or contact Gretchen Kaehler at 

About the Snohomish County Historic Preservation Commission 

Snohomish County values its historic buildings, sites, structures, and objects. Through the Historic Preservation Commission, Snohomish County seeks to identify, preserve and protect significant historic and archaeological properties that celebrate the rich history of Snohomish County. The Historic Preservation Commission offers several services to support preservation efforts of these irreplaceable county assets: 

·         A local register of historic places 

·         Special valuation tax incentives for historic building rehabilitation 

·         Educational resources and contacts 

·         Plaques designating the building/structure’s placement on the Snohomish County Register of Historic Places 

·         Access to advice and guidance from historical preservation professionals 


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