Sound Transit is conducting an online panel discussion on Friday, Sept. 13, about its plan to extend light rail service from Northgate to Lynnwood; the one-hour webcast is scheduled to begin at noon at this link.
The panel will discuss the Lynnwood Link environmental process and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) released in July. The DEIS evaluates light rail route and station alternatives for the proposed 8.5-mile extension and describes the project’s potential effects on the environment, nearby property and transportation corridors. The panel will also address questions from the public if time permits in the webcast.
Sound Transit conducted four public hearings concerning the DEIS last month and will continue to accept public comment on the document through Sept. 23 at or by mail at Sound Transit, Draft EIS comments, c/o Lauren Swift, 401 S. Jackson St., Seattle, WA 98104.
Sound Transit hopes to have the Lynnwood Link extension of light rail operating along the I-5 corridor by 2013; the project has a total price tag of between $1.2 and $1.7 billion depending upon final route and station.
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