If you’re planning to buy or remodel a home but you’re not quite ready to view several dozen homes in person, start by looking at homes online. You’ll be surprised by the number of online showrooms, photos and 3D videos/virtual tours available to help you narrow down your search.
For new homebuyers, Realtor.com, Redfin.com, Trulia.com and local home builders’ websites will have information on these.
When researching a remodeler, you can tour remodeled home interiors at remodeltour.com. This site is from the local building association, Master Builders Association (MBA) of King- Snohomish Counties, which hosts a Remodeled Homes Tour annually in October. You can view these remodels virtually or in-person to narrow your selection of professionals. Companies like Irons Brothers Construction participate annually in these tours, and post project showcases online.
Create a List. If you are navigating many websites or watching hours of videos/tours online, make a list of the homes you enjoyed viewing. Keep careful notes of the descriptions and products. By creating a note-taking system that works for you, you’ll be able to easily compare properties or remodelers when you are ready to narrow your list. Don’t forget to make a list of questions about the property that you can ask the realtor or builder.
Ask About Floor Plans. If you’re not physically walking through the home, it might be challenging to visualize the space via virtual tours or scrolling through photos online. Once you have an idea of the scope, layout and size of the space, you’ll be able to get a better grasp of the photos or videos of the home/remodel.
Research the neighborhood. Not all websites with home listings will give you a sense of the neighborhood. To help get a complete profile of the home and make an informed decision about the area around your new home purchase, conduct a general online search about the neighborhood. You’ll be surprised the amount of information you can learn about the activities that happen in the area or the local school system.
Visit the home. If you are ready to get out of the house while maintaining social distancing, what better way than to visit (or at least drive by) the homes you are researching. You’ll gain a better understanding of the home and a sense of the community. On Oct. 22, you can visit eight home remodels on the annual MBA Remodeled Homes Tour. Register at www.remodeltour.com
For more information on planning a remodel, visit Irons Brothers Construction at www.ironsbc.com.
— By Melissa Irons,
Marketing & Operations Manager, Irons Brothers Construction, Inc.
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