Police seized $276,000 worth of meth during a drug sting at a strip mall at 167th and Highway 99 in north Lynnwood.
Officers with the Eastside Narcotics Task Force had been investigating and conducting surveillance on the suspects since last November. The drug buy happened this past Friday at 5 p.m.
Four men were arrested, two vehicles were seized and three pounds of meth was recovered. While that might not seem like much, police say a typical “hit” of meth is about a gram, so that equates to nearly 1,400 hits of meth taken off the street.
The four men — ages 19, 20, 21 and 33 — live in Enumclaw and Lynnwood. Two are suspected members of the notorious La Familia Drug Cartel. They are thought to be the largest supplier of meth to the U.S. Two of suspects are from Mexico and are being held on ICE detainers.
Yikes, that’s so close to where we live! Poor Lynnwood can’t catch a break for anything these days.
and they say illegals don’t commit any crimes….
Oh look, some more of those hard working illegal aliens just trying to make a living for their families being brought down by the man. They are all just such great people just trying to make their way in the world…
NOT! They are here illegally committing drug crimes? Quick trial and shoot them in the back of the head. We don’t need these people here messing up our streets.
To comment on Ketra’s reply, no they probably aren’t meth heads. Dealers (if they are smart) aren’t using their own drugs. Hard to make a profit that way. Two of these guys were Mexican gang members.
As for shooting the, just look at the laws in some other countries if you get caught trafficing drugs. Getting shot in the back of the head is not extreme. These are people that have crossed into our country illegally, are selling illegal drugs to our citizens, increasing the crime on our streets, and sending the money back south of the border to keep the machine running.
I have NO sympathy for them.