Score Voting Social: Snohomish County

Join us for our first Snohomish County meetup. This is a laid-back event for small-d democracy advocates to come together and discuss cardinal voting methods and the future of voting…

Red light cameras staying put for now

The city’s controversial red light cameras won’t be going away anytime soon. Last week the City Council extended the contract with Arizona-based American Traffic Solutions (ATS) through this November. Last…

Op-ed: Lower business license fees

The following letter was sent by former City Councilman Jim Smith, who works as a mortgage adviser, to the current council: Council members, Just a quick word from “the street”…

City council race bound for a hand recount

The ballots will be counted by hand in the incredibly tight race for Lynnwood City Council race position seven. Jim Smith, who’s served on the council since 1976, trails Van…

Your feedback is wanted on budget cuts

More money troubles are in store for the city of Lynnwood. Officials are looking for ways to cut another $5.26 million from the current budget due to declining revenues. Fourteen…