School supply drive for needy kids is under way

School supplies and cash donations are now being accepted for needy students in the Edmonds School District. The Back-to-School Resource Fair is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, Aug. 18…

Local students walk to help needy children

The kids at Hazelwood Elementary have spent this month walking so that disadvantaged children can have shoes. The fundraiser was the brainchild of P.E. teacher Scott Boyce. He leads a…

Stuff the Bus food drive this weekend

Edmonds School District bus drivers and employees are sponsoring the second “Stuff the Bus” Food Drive this weekend. It’s 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at QFC at 196th Street SW…

Huge garage sale for a good cause

A big garage sale and bake sale will be held today to raise money for Amy’s Army, a team that will be walking in the Susan G. Komen for the…

A Lynnwood teenager is fighting against cancer

Ashley Aven is about to celebrate her 18th birthday with family and close friends. It’s a celebration the Lynnwood teenager richly deserves, considering the battle she’s been fighting for the…