Take This Dress to Heart fashion show/fundraiser at Meadowdale HS Saturday

dress to heartHere’s your chance to buy a new or gently worn party, cocktail or prom dress for as low as $25 — with proceeds to provide heart screenings for students and buy automated external defibrillators for the Edmonds School District.

It’s all happening at the Take This Dress to Heart fashion show and dress sale this Saturday, Jan. 18, when over 300 new and gently worn dresses will be available for sale at Meadowdale High School, 6002 168th St. S.W., Lynnwood. ​

The day starts with a fashion show featuring local high school students from noon-1 p.m. at the high school — $5 per ticket — followed by the dress sale from 1-5 p.m. (admission free).

Buy your Fashion Show tickets at www.takethisdresstoheart.org. Donate dresses up until the day of event at the high school.

Proceeds will help fund screenings through the Nick of Time Foundation at Meadowdale High School on Feb. 12. To learn more on how to sign up for a screening, visit www.nickoftimefoundation.org.

The show is being organized in memory of Meadowdale student Matthew Truax, who died on Sept. 13, 2013 of an undiagnosed heart condition.

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