Lynnwood City Council takes next step toward $20 car tab fee

The Lynnwood City Council stopped short of imposing a $20 car tab fee at Monday night’s meeting.

However, they did approve the creation of a Transportation Benefit District by a vote of six to one.

The next step is to decide how to fund transportation projects as part of the district. It will either be a vehicle registration fee or a  sales tax increase. (Anything other than a car tab fee of $20 or less would require a public vote.) A date has not yet been set to determine the fee structure.

Councilman Jim Smith was the lone opponent of the Transportation Benefit District.

“The city needs to go on a fiscal diet and not add more taxes and fees,” he said before casting a “no” vote.

The measure passed with one amendment by Councilman Mark Smith — that no less than 20 percent of the funds be spent on non-motorized transportation elements (in other words, more sidewalks and trails).

“That would mean a paradigm shift in our thinking about transportation,” he said.

Council members wanted to get a TBD on the books before Snohomish County, otherwise they would be preempted from doing so.

  1. It seems our city officials are learning there sneaky ways from the professional politicians in Olympia, raising taxes with no public vote, must be time for more residents to go to our council meetings and stand up for ourselves.

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