A warm winter coat can do a lot to improve the attitude of a student waiting at the bus stop. This year, Lynnwood-based Clothes For Kids will provide a warm winter coat and a lightweight coat — along with a full school wardrobe — to each of the more than 5,100 low-income students it serves in Snohomish County, including those in the Edmonds School District.
It costs approximately $100 to provide a wardrboe to one high school student, and one source of funding for that is The Starry Night Auction May 6 at Embassy Suites in Lynnwood. Tickets cost $135 per person with tables available for $1,000. Register to attend the auction here or under events on the website. Dozens of great items will be up for bid, including a flight on a private jet to play a round at the Sands Golf Course in Washington, a tropical Oahu vacation, a romantic getaway in San Clemente, local sport and theater tickets, fine dining, fun family activities, art, jewelry and more.
As a grassroots organization receiving no government funding, Clothes for Kids notes that individual donors and major fundraising efforts make up the bulk of its revenue. Events like the Starry Night Auction fundraiser and individual donations help Clothes For Kids keep the doors open so they can continue to serve the community. All the funds raised during the auction will go directly to the Clothes For Kids school wardrobe program.
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