The Verdant Health Commission (Public Hospital District No. 2, Snohomish County), a community-owned hospital district, will host its February public board meeting on Wednesday, March 22 at 5:30 p.m. All public board meetings are in a hybrid format with the option to attend in person at the Verdant Community Wellness Center (4710 196th St. S.W., Lynnwood.
To attend via Zoom, visit: Meeting ID: 830 4298 3170. Or the call-in number is 253-215-8782.
Public comments can be made during the public comment sections of the agenda at the beginning and at the end of the meeting. Public comments are limited to three minutes per person and will be entered into the meeting minutes as official public record. The elected board of commissioners welcome the public to attend and participate at these monthly board meetings.
The agenda is as follows:
- Call to order
- Land and Enslaved People’s Acknowledgement
- Consent agenda for regular approval items such as previous meeting minutes, etc.
- Public comment (limit 3 minutes per person)
- Executive Committee report
- Superintendent’s report
- Program Committee report
- Healthcare Access discussion panel
- Finance Committee report
- Public comment (limit 3 minutes per person)
- Commissioner comments
- Adjournment
For more information about the monthly and special public noard meetings, contact Verdant staff at or call 425-582-8600.
Real first and last names — as well as city of residence — are required for all commenters.
This is so we can verify your identity before approving your comment.